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Summer Homework: 


         Each year we like to assign all students to read the same book and we test them on their level. This year we have decided that “All for the Boss” by Ruchoma Shain must be read by the end of the summer by ALL students. 

During the first few weeks of school, the students will be given various quizzes, reading comprehension tests and writing essays(where applicable) on ALL of the required books and math work. Rebbes will incorporatethe lessons therein into their classroom discussions and Mrs. Rosenberg is looking forward to making “All for the Boss” the main topic of her literature curriculum for the first month of school withdiscussions, character analysis' and essays. Summer homework will count for up to 20% to 25% of their grade in English/Math for the first marking period. Below you will find the math packets for incoming students.


Entering Ninth Grade:




Entering Tenth:




Entering Eleventh Grade:






Seniors who will be taking wither Pre-Calc or Business / Personal Finance should contact their teacher for their summer assignment

Ma'or Yeshiva High School                   250 Park Avenue Long Branch, NJ 07740                    Phone: (732) - 222 - 4797

Website Developed and Designed by Alex Levit 347-437-0009

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