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To view the student handbook click here

          The Talmud tells us that there are three partners in every child – G-d Almighty, his parents, and his teachers. This being the case, we ask that you become our partners in the true sense of the word. Clearly, our common goal is the excellence of the school for the benefit of each student’s spiritual and educational growth during these vitally important formative years.

One of the most important elements in a young person’s development is consistency, and therefore, it is essential that we view ourselves as partners as we strive to establish uniformity in both standards and expectations. Consistency applies equally in academic, behavioral, and religious standards. Conduct which you would not permit at home will not be condoned here. Conversely, conduct not permissible in school, should not be acceptable in the home.

          As parents who have chosen this school for your children, it is appropriate that you provide a life setting in consonance with its values. In school and at home, during vacations and throughout the year, there should be one consistent message and standard. Extreme care must be taken in selecting the proper choice of summer camps and programs, recreational activities, books, music, movies, and television shows which are appropriate for young Yeshiva students and which complement the religious and educational goals of the school.

          Of paramount importance is your understanding that all of our guidelines have been set with an eye toward excellence. To help us achieve these high standards, we need you to work with us. Show it in word and in deed. Help by seeing that your children comply with such things as the Dress and Appearance Code with a positive attitude. Be careful when planning vacations or scheduling appointments not to have your children miss school. Stress the importance of proper attitude and behavior during Tefila, while learning, and at all group functions. Promote the ideals of a strong work ethic and of honesty – during testing, and in all of one’s dealings. Encourage your children to be active participants in all of the school’s activities and programs. Get involved in your children’s education and give of your time.

          Remember, we are partners, and we need active partners rather than silent ones. If there is a problem, demonstrate to your children how they are to communicate properly, not by complaining but by trying to reasonably resolve issues. Understand that the school’s mission is to help each and every child better themselves, and to that end, our every decision will be made with a simple, yet poignant, question in mind. What is the best way to help this youngster within the framework of our school environment?

          Obviously, mistakes and oversights may occur, but they will never be due to negligence or indifference. G-d Almighty has charged us with a special mission and our mutual responsibility is great. Together, we can and will succeed. 

Key Points of the Student Handbook:

I. An Open Letter to Parents


II. Our Mission 

III. The Yeshiva Environment 

IV. Minyan 

V. Academic Overview

VI. Academic Standards

VII. Attendance 

VIII. Code of Conduct 

IX. Dress Code ​

X. General Information

XI. Extra Curricular Activities

Ma'or Yeshiva High School                   250 Park Avenue Long Branch, NJ 07740                    Phone: (732) - 222 - 4797

Website Developed and Designed by Alex Levit 347-437-0009

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