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Our Mission

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To serve the unique religious and educational needs of the students in the Syrian community of Long Branch community as well as eligible students from outlying areas


Life Training

To train our students to acquire the tools to become independent learners of Torah and to imbue true Torah Hashkafa as practiced in the Yeshiva World



To insure that each and every one of our students learns in a Torah-Oriented Yeshiva after his High School years

In the Classroom


The General Studies Program is designed to provide the foundation for higher learning which will equip our students for future careers in the workforce

Teacher Writing a Formula on a Blackboar


We recognize that each student learns differently and we are prepared and equipped to service their needs with learning accommodations and modifications when necessary

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We strive to achieve overall academic excellence. We expect that all of our graduates become contributing members to our community and to all of Klal Yisrael at large, as well as be a source of pride to themselves, their parents and Hashem

Ma'or Yeshiva High School                   250 Park Avenue Long Branch, NJ 07740                    Phone: (732) - 222 - 4797

Website Developed and Designed by Alex Levit 347-437-0009

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