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A comprehensive, Torah Oriented,

Yeshiva High School

Dear Prospective Ma’or Yeshiva High School Family,


    As a teacher at Ilan High School for many years, I watched first-hand what young women could accomplish in an environment of academic excellence joined with a warm and loving staff. Many realized that this same model was vitally necessary for the young men of the Jersey Shore and surrounding areas. We were honored 10 years ago to have been able to respond to the need by opening Ma’or Yeshiva for Boys, a school that couples pure torah learning with outstanding rabbeim as well as true excellence in secular academics. Each community needs to develop its young men to be scholarly in Torah study and to arm them with the option of a superb college education so that with the help of Hashem they will succeed in a career of their choice. The very long wait to bring this great success story to the young men of the Central Jersey area in a boy’s high school is over.


    We are excited and proud to be graduating another class this coming June. As promised, this Ma’or senior class, like those before them, is experiencing the college admissions process in full swing with guidance meetings, applications being sent and interviews scheduled. Also, visiting Roshei Yeshivot from many fine Israeli Yeshivot have been gracing our school and presenting what makes each unique to attract our talmidim. The Ma’or dream is being fulfilled!


    The high school years are crucial years, years that require challenging academic excellence, personal direction and outstanding role models for your son. Ma’or Yeshiva High School is providing the highest quality education embedded in an environment designed to offer the best personal attention and guidance. All the communities that span our diverse New Jersey areas are welcome. So if you want the best quality education, environment and warm personal attention for your son, then come and join us at our open house to hear and see for yourself why the Ma’or Yeshiva is the choice for you!


                                                                                                              Rabbi Reuven Semah                                                 

                                                                                                                 Rosh Yeshiva/Dean



Our Goal is to instill Pride and unity As well as the value of acts of Hesed Into our Ma’or Yeshiva students

Ma'or Yeshiva High School                   250 Park Avenue Long Branch, NJ 07740                    Phone: (732) - 222 - 4797

Website Developed and Designed by Alex Levit 347-437-0009

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